Charles Orton-Jones
Business writer

Interview: Rising Star
Project magazine is the official mag of the Association of Project Managers. Each edition features a profile with a "rising star" of the profession. On this occasion I had the privilege to talk to the winner of the European Women in Construction & Engineering Award, a charismatic Spaniard working for Ferrovial Agroman. Read the article here.

White Paper: Clean Energy Action Plan
Energy utility E.ON wanted to promote its vision for clean air. The brief required I research the state of air pollution in the UK and globally, and draft policy recommendations. The result was a visually stunning, rigorous, and provocative report for E.ON to send to governments, the press, NGOs, and the general public, to prove its commitment to cleaner air.

Interview: Quantum Motion and the race to build the first quantum chip
Founded by John Norton, professor of nanoelectrics at UCL, and Simon Benjamin, professor of quantum technologies at Oxford University, Quantum Motion is tantalisingly close to launching a quantum chip based on Silicon processes. The result will be computation trillions of times faster than a classical CPU.

Allen & Overy
Survey: European private placements
Magic circle lawfirm Allen & Overy is renowned for its annual survey of the private placement fund-raising market. We ran a YouGov survey to identify trends in bank lending versus alternative finance; sources of funding; and awareness of the ICMA's newly released official guidance.

Feature: Interview with the Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Thought Machine is the fastest growing fintech in the UK. Founded by ex-Googlers, it builds an operating system for banks, built on "cloud native" principles. To explain cloud native to potential clients I interviewed Cheryl Hung of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. We covered a large range of technical issues. Read the full interview here

White paper: Trust in insurance
FintechOS is ranked the #1 hottest start-up in Europe, according to industry peers. To market its software to the insurance market it needed a white paper on the technology problems faced by insurers. On a verbal brief I produced a white paper in three weeks. The document has helped FintechOS crack the market.